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Octavio Boombox speaker system for Microsoft Zune player - Mp4 Converter

Updated November 13,2006

Jason Chen, Charlie White, and I Just got back from the LA Zune event's daytime activities, and found this amazing Octavio Boombox that we'd covered a little while ago. The $500 dollar Zune dock is impressive as hell in person, made of the blackest leather they could harvest from biker jackets and baby cows. There's a controller on top with a slot for Microsoft Zune player. And the back panel has two sets of stereo analog inputs, and an audio/video output for watching zune videos on a TV. Look at the power requirements on the last photo after the jump: 24 volts at almost 4 amps. That's good juice for the 100-watt setup!

They speakers themselves consist of what looks to be around a 6 or 8-inch sub, plus 3 or 4 inch midranges, and tweeters. Sorry, no measuring tape up in the club when I shot it. There's not much info out there on the speaker system, but I would go out on a limb and say this is going to be the Zune dock to have...if you buy Microsoft Zune playre. -Brian Lam

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